3 Reasons To Hire A Revenue Recognition Service For Your Business


Has your company grown and you now receive large amounts of business from customers? If you don't want to keep better track of your business finances for the purpose of filing taxes, you might want to hire a revenue recognition service to assist with accounting. Basically, revenue recognition is done to make sure you are actually receiving the money that is reported in your accounting documents. Take a look at this article to learn about the benefits of hiring a revenue recognition service for your business.

2 June 2016

Diversifying Your Retirement Plan With Annuities


Annuities are a great way to diversify your retirement plan. They are a type of insurance, and you invest money into an annuity now to receive payments later. Payments can be made to each month, every three months, once a year, or in one lump sum at a future date. How much money you will receive and how often you receive payments will depend on how much money you invested and how the annuity was set up in the first place.

1 June 2016